During the Holiday Season, many families plan parties and some have simple family gatherings, either way having a beautiful centerpiece on the table is a must for me. Christmas flowers from Teleflora is the perfect idea this Holiday Season! There are so many beautiful centerpieces and bouquets to choose from on their website. Unlike other websites that have their arrangements pre-made and ready to ship, floral arrangements from Teleflora are artistically arranged by a local florist using only the freshest flowers available, and each gift is personally delivered in a vase - in most cases, the same day you place your order - to ensure that it arrives in premium condition, ready to be enjoyed immediately. Some of my favorite floral arrangements from the website:
Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night by Teleflora starts out at $63.96
Teleflora's Silver And Gold Centerpiece starts out at $47.96!
I thought Teleflora's Peppermint Sticks Bouquet was just adorable! It only starts out at $39.96! Now that you get an idea of the Christmas Floral Arrangements that that they have to offer, visit Teleflora via the link in the paragraph above and see what arrangement would be great for your Holiday Party or Get Together. Going to a party? You can get the Hostess a gift too! Send Cheer and bring the Holidays home! You can get 20% off with this Teleflora Promotion Code too! Code is valid until 4/15/14! Click the link or enter the code BLOGGER5F at checkout! Be sure to visit Teleflora on their social media to stay up to date with the latest!
Teleflora on Facebook|Teleflora on Twitter| Teleflora on G+| Teleflora on Pinterest| Teleflora on Youtube| Teleflora on IG
Like this post? Feel free to hover over a photo and Pin to Pinterest, you can re-tweet via the widget below! Thanks for reading!
Win it: One lucky reader is going to win a $75 Gift Code to bring Teleflora in your home this Holiday Season! This code can be used at Teleflora.com for $75 (plus the $14.99 service fee is waived). If you purchase a more expensive bouquet, you will just have to pay the difference. Enter with the giveaway tools below! Giveaway ends 11:59 PM CST on 12/13!  Winner will have 24  hours to email me back to claim their prize. Open to the USA only. No purchase necessary to enter. Completing all entries will increase your odds. Please note this gift code is a ONE time use! Goodluck and thanks for entering!
*Disclaimer: The Small Things was not compensated for this post. I will be sending the winner their one time gift code direct*
SHARE 48 comments

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  1. I'd like the Peppermint Bouquet.

  2. Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night by Teleflora is one I like

  3. The Royal Holidays arrangement is beautiful as well as the Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids!!

  4. I love the Teleflora's Opulent Orchids.

  5. I LOVE that Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night by Teleflora bouquet - very cool!

  6. Visited the site and I really like Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night by Teleflora

  7. I really like the Deck the Halls Tree. It's very festive and would make a great gift for the Christmas gathering host!

  8. I LOVE the classic Christmas Wreath, my favorite sent in the world is pine <3

  9. opulent orchids or the peppermint stick bouquet

  10. The Teleflora's Jeweled Ornament is beautiful. And you can reuse the globe.

    Dee Mauser

  11. I love the Deck The Halls Tree!

  12. Teleflora's Peppermint Sticks Bouquet

  13. Teleflora's Snowman Cookie Jar Bouquet

  14. I would probably pick the Deck the Halls Tree for my mom on Christmas or the Imagination Blooms with Cymbidium Orchids for my mom on her birthday!

  15. Teleflora's Mercury Glass Bowl Bouquet is also gorgeous

  16. I'd love to have the Teleflora's Sunny Day Pitcher of Daisies

  17. id love Teleflora's Garden Romance

  18. I like the Berries and Spice bouquet.

  19. Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night by Teleflora is so eye catching

  20. Teleflora's Mercury Glass Bowl Bouquet is another gorgeous one

  21. I like the Timeless Cheer Bouquet.

  22. I also like the Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night!

  23. Silver Elegance Centerpiece is super pretty

  24. I love the Mercury Glass Bowl Bouquet!

  25. The Mercury glass Bowl Bouquet. Very pretty!

  26. I love the Fashionista Blooms bouquet! it is soooooo pretty

  27. I like the Teleflora's Jeweled Ornament bouquet
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  28. I LOVE the Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night. It would look beautiful on the dinner table Christmas day.
    jofo120 at yahoo dot com

  29. I really like the Hug Cuddle Bears but I'd order the Snowman cookie jar for my mom. She'd LOVE it!

  30. Teleflora's Snowman Cookie Jar Bouquet

  31. Make Merry by Teleflora is also pretty

  32. I like the one called Spring Romance.

  33. Thomas Kinkade's Starry Night is the one I would choose.... i LOVE LOVE LOVE Thomas Kinkade!!!!

  34. I like the Silver And Snowflakes Bouquet.

  35. I'd love to have the Teleflora's Holly Jolly Centerpiece

  36. I would get the Teleflora's Snowman Cookie Jar Bouquet for my sis in Texas.


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