Have you ever been the recipient of flowers for a special occasion? A birthday? Anniversary? Well sending flowers has never been better because of Teleflora. Teleflora allows you to send flowers from the convenience of your own home. Teleflora has over 16,000 florists around the USA. You order your flowers via their website and they will pick (or you can pick) a local florist around your recipient to make your arrangement as you see online, and deliver them. You can also choose to have your flowers delivered same day! (Depending on the time you order) Instead of picking a special occasion to send flowers with Teleflora, why not send flowers just because.
Check out several of my reasons that you should send flowers just because:
- You never know if the recipient is having a rough day. Put a smile on their face.
- Sending for your partner? Let them know you are thinking about them when they least expect. Brownie points for sure!
- Sending flowers just because comes completely from the heart. You are not obligated to do it because of a special occasion, Birthday or Anniversary. 
- This is a simple one of a kind way to say "I love you". "I am thinking about you".  and "I care about you".
- Last reason: Well.. JUST BECAUSE you want to!
 Recently I was able to receive a beautiful arrangement review. The Your Sweet Smile by Teleflora arrangement is just gorgeous.
This arrangement consists of white roses, yellow spray roses, green carnations, green button spray chrysanthemums and white wax flower accented with assorted greenery. I have to say they smell pretty amazing and were beautifully placed in the vase. The little old man that delivered my flowers was SO sweet to! The picture above on my kitchen table was taken the day of, and the others 3 days in. They are still thriving and beautiful. We left the house to run errands and when I came inside, the aroma of fresh flowers hit me in the face. 
All arrangements come in 3 sizes. Standard, Deluxe, and Premium. The one that I received was a Premium. It will cost you about  $74.95. Use Teleflora Promo Code BLOGSAZ to get 20% off. Exp: 10/16/14. The Your Sweet Smile By Teleflora Floral Arrangement is a great "Just Because" gift. Check out their website via one of the links here in my post to see what other flowers they have available to send your loved one. Make someones day and come back and tell me about it! Visit Teleflora on their social media below while you are here too!
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*Disclaimer: The Small Things received an arrangement of choice to facilitate this post. I received no additional compensation*
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  1. I wish someone would send me a Just Because bouquet. Those are beautiful!

  2. I love Teleflora...I have a bad habit of forgetting things until the last minute and with Teleflora I can just get online and have stuff sent -- often to be delivered even the next day which is pretty awesome. It makes things super convenient and that's one of the main things I look for with a service provider!!

  3. My mom loves when I send her flowers. Sending flowers is so easy and special too.

  4. Those are beautiful flowers. We always send my mother-in-law flowers on special occasions.

    Michelle F.


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