Did you know that just by walking down the street or in the store, a criminal can steal your credit or bank card information? It only takes a second to get all of your information, because they use RFID scanners, and for most this can be devastating. Card Lock prevents this from happening.
It's like a portable bank vault for your cards. Using high tech frequency-blocking polymers, Card Lock blocks RFID scanners and prevents your information from being hijacked. They're light as a feather but strong and secure.
They come in three different styles and this is the leather look. They are easy to use because you place your card in the sleeve and then place it back in your wallet!
Card Lock is only $10 for one print and you get 4 sleeves or you can spend $19.99 and get all three prints they have to offer. Visit the Card Lock website to learn more information. These will make a great stocking stuffer this year! You can also purchase these at Walmart! Be sure to visit Card Lock on their social media to stay up to date with the latest!
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