Since as long as I can remember, I have always loved flowers from Teleflora. They have gorgeous products and bouquets for every occasion and every season. When you purchase an arrangement from Teleflora, you won't have to worry about assembling from a box yourself because Teleflora has over 11,000 member florists in North America that will hand deliver your arrangement to your door or wherever you desire. I received one of their many holiday products and I am so happy with how beautiful this is!
I received Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet and look at how beautiful it is! From their website:
A tribute to Thomas Kinkade, the Painter of LightTM, this latest installment to Teleflora’s exclusive, bestselling holiday collection brings to life all the special memories of childhood sharing holiday wishes with Santa. Featuring a gazebo at the North Pole, this hand-crafted, hand-painted holiday scene illuminates and lights up amongst the scene of parents and their children eagerly awaiting their chance to visit with Santa. As a collector’s dream, this is the perfect holiday ‘must-have’ to celebrate the timeless holiday tradition of Kinkade.
I love the details. It is so unique and beautiful!
This beautiful arrangement includes red roses, red spray roses, white miniature carnations, variegated holly, flat cedar and noble fir. It smells SO good too! This collectible is something that I can keep for years and I love that!
I love that each flower is so gorgeous and the colors are perfect for the holidays!
The details really do matter when it comes to a centerpiece! Check out a few of my other favorites from their collection!
Teleflora’s Sparkling Star Centerpiece (Available on for $69.95) Deliver a dazzling surprise for your holiday hostess and add some sparkle to their holiday table with this gorgeous centerpiece. Teleflora’s mercury glass bowl arrives brimming with fresh red roses, white cushion spray chrysanthemums, festive greens, and accented with silver ornaments, white snow-tipped pinecones and red tapered candles to make this a statement gift to remember.
Teleflora’s Snow Day Bouquet (Available on for $64.95) Indulge your family and friends with memories of nostalgic holiday traditions with this delightful 2-in-1 floral gift that also doubles as an adorable holiday cookie jar. Share the spirit of the season with this playful snow-themed container filled with lovely roses, miniature carnations, and holiday greens nestled amongst candy canes and shiny decorative ornaments. This hand-glazed ceramic cookie jar is FDA- approved, food safe and dishwasher safe. Your loved ones can fill it with holiday treats for many white Christmases to come.
Teleflora’s Gift Wrapped Bouquet (Available on for $59.95) Deliver a holiday crowd-pleaser for everyone on your gift list with this joyful bouquet that arrives ready to enjoy. This sparkling display of holiday décor is bursting with red roses, white carnations, chrysanthemums, and greens nestled amongst clusters of red berries and silver ornaments. The limited edition ceramic jar also serves as a great collectible for holiday entertaining or displaying your favorite ornaments or sweets.
Send a Hug® Christmas Cardinal Bouquet (Available on for $49.95) As the newest addition to Teleflora’s best-selling Send a Hug® collection, this precious bouquet warms the heart. Adorned with hand-painted crimson cardinals, this oversized mug is filled with a lush array of red roses and carnations, and holiday greens, with accents of red berries and cinnamon sticks. This cheerful ceramic mug is FDA-approved, food and dishwasher safe and is a festive accompaniment for enjoying your favorite hot holiday beverage.
Teleflora’s Silver Christmas Bouquet (Available on for $49.95) Send your heartfelt love and appreciation for those living near and far, and deliver the magic of Christmas with this holiday bouquet. This classic red cube vase features dancing snowflakes and glittering snow amongst vibrant red and white flowers, with the fresh scent of eucalyptus and white pine. Long after your flowers have been enjoyed, the snowflake vase adds sparkle to any room serving as the perfect candleholder for the season.
As you can see, this is just a few of the many products they have to offer! When you order from Teleflora you can expect to get a beautiful product and often you can get delivery the same day! If you would like to also have Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet, you can get it starting at $79.95, with the option to upgrade. Visit Telefora on their social media below to stay up to date with the latest!
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Win it:
One reader is going to win one of these bouquets! Giveaway will end 12/14/16. All entries will be verified. Winner must reside in the USA and be at least 16 years of age. Winner will have 48 hours to respond to the winning email. Enter below. Goodluck!
i love the Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet ! I have make house decorated with fresh greens and pinecones. This Bouquet would be the highlight ! thank you
ReplyDeleteWow, they're all so gorgeous! I think my favorite is the Sparkling Star Centerpiece. After Christmas, that container would still be great to use!
ReplyDeleteI'd really love to receive the Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet. So gorgeous! :)
ReplyDeleteI really love the Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet. It looks so beautiful!!
ReplyDeleteThank You for the chance!
Fiona N
My favorite is the Sparkling Star Centerpiece.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite is the Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI like the Sparkling Star Centerpiece.
ReplyDeleteI would like the Christmas Cardinal by Teleflora.
ReplyDeleteI love the Send A Hug Cardinal bouquet! It's so cute and there's the cute mug too!
ReplyDeleteI think I would choose the Sparkling Star Centerpiece. It would look beautiful on any table!
ReplyDeleteThey are all beautiful but my fav has to be the Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet.
ReplyDeleteI would love the Sparkling Star Centerpiece. It is very festive and would be perfect on my table.
ReplyDeleteI'd like Thomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet but they're are all beautiful.
ReplyDeleteThomas Kinkade's Jolly Santa Bouquet is my choice. As I think that the whole family would really enjoy it!