It is Bachelor Monday!! Wow! I am curious to see how this week will go down. Last week, LIZ left, Corinne was slutting it around and the girls found out about LIZ. This week opened up with the women completely overwhelmed and talking about it. All of the girls are blown away this week and can't believe it. We opened up with a ROSE ceremony, and we all know there is always a cocktail party. He sat them all down and discussed the elephant in the room and told the girls that were not there what happened. You could see the heartbreak in the room, to be honest. The cocktail party went on and the girls had conversation with him about the situation.
AND THEN... Corinne. LORDY this girl is trash. They always have that one crazy in the group and she is it. She is just DTF and that is that. PLEASE tell me what the hell went through her head to get whipped cream and be pretty much naked under a coat. This girl had Nick lick it off her boob. This episode has made me lost respect for Nick. This was VERY upsetting to the girls in the house, especially after what happened last week. Of course, it backfired on her. HAHA! That is what she gets. Now she wants to go home and is crying. BYE FELICIA. I really hope that every episode is NOT all around her.
Now for the Rose Ceremony. Who is staying and who is going? Corinne is nowhere to be found and she went to bed. REALLY?! Who received a rose?
In order:
Astrid, Taylor, Brittany, Kristina, Danielle L., Rachel, Vanessa, Raven, Jaimi, Dominique, Sarah Alexis, Courtney, Josephine, & Jasmine.
Who left?
Hailey and Lacey and Elizabeth.
The next day, Chris came in to see the girls and talk to them. He let them know who was in for the group date and it was:
Danielle L, Christine, Kristina, Whitney, Taylor, Jasmine, and Corinne.
The girls were surprised by THE BACKSTREET BOYS!! OMG. That is an AMAZING group date! They were able to see them rehearsing for their live show.
Photo Credit: ABC
Corinne thinks that the world is going to end bc she sucks as a dancer. GET over yourself. Jasmine worked it and Danielle L was pulled on the stage to be serenaded. SO SWEET. It was awkward seeing the other girls watching bc they were kissing. Corinne won't shut up as usual though. Shes a MESS.
Photo Credit: ABC
The date ended great but they went back to Corinne again and she's so insecure. Which may be why she uses her sex appeal. He pulled Danielle aside for a little one on one and they seem to have a VERY strong connection. She's so pretty and you can see the sparkle in her eyes when she looks at him. They go in for a hot kiss, and yes it was very deserved.
The date card- Vanessa. She received one-on-one date with Nick. It panned back to the group date night and the girls found out that Corinne has a NANNY. YES ladies and gents, you heard that right. A grown ass woman has a NANNY for herself. She does not have kids. It is FOR HER. Speechless.
Group Date ROSE goes to DANIELLE L. Corinne has the nerve to say that Danielle is beautiful and that is all she sees. Well, at least she isn't whoring it on TV.
The one-on-one date was pretty cool. They went on a Zero G plane. They were both having a blast floating and kissing! It was so sweet. Then Vanessa gets sick and pukes, but Nick is by her side and it is so cute! They look so cute together too! I feel bad for her puking and I would be embarrassed too. Vaness and Nick had a sweet date and he gave her a rose. Their conversation was deep and he cried. This was honest and a side of him that I NEEDED to see.
Group Date 2 card came! Who is going?
Rachel, Alexis, Astrid, Jaimi, Sarah, Brittany, and Dominique.
They were all invited on a date and they went to be joined with three celebrated Olympians- Carl Lewis, Allyson Feliz and Michelle Carter. The theme of the date is the 'Nickathalon'.
Photo Credit: ABC
Photo Credit: ABC
This date seemed to be pretty good and these girls got along and had fun.
Photo Credit: ABC
Photo Credit ABC
Rachel, Alexis and Astrid all won the challenge to move on the next event. The winner gets extra time with Nick. Astrid won her time with Nick in the hot tub. Dominique is not too happy and feels like she is overshadowed. I don't think she needs to be here if she is going to keep feeling this way. Step it up girl.
It went on to the date with everyone that night and Dominique is still devastated. I feel so bad for her. She finally had the balls to speak her mind to Nick but I feel that she was aggressive about it. How is he supposed to know how she felt? She's been closed up. Nick sent her on her way. The connection just was NOT there and I don't blame him.
The second group date's rose went to Rachel.
Nick decided no cocktail party. They are having a POOL party instead! This could go wrong... or it could be okay. We will see. Corinne got a bounce house and she was getting sexual with Nick in it. The girls saw it all of course. She doesn't have a care in the world. What happened to a pool party? Is this now a Corinne party? The girls got fed up with it completely. Some of the girls voiced their concerns about the situation with Corinne and I don't blame them one bit. Vanessa voiced her concerns even more about the situation with Corinne and it put Nick in an awkward situation bc she isn't sure if Nick is looking for a wife or a girl DTF.
Next weeks preview- Corinne. It was all about Corinne. This may be juicy drama....! Did you enjoy this weeks episode? Get your Bachelor Monday wine glass from ME! Email me via bbrown@thesmallthings89.com to purchase! $23, includes shipping!
I can change the & WINE lettering to WHITE if you need as well, or any colors that you want! I hate it all!
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