I LOVE cute and adorable girly things! I love it even more when you find them and they are completely affordable! Always Under Pay is an online boutique that specializes in princess dress up clothes.  Boutique items at wholesale pricing!  Cheap hairbows, baby headbands with flowers, princess dressup, infant hair accessories, hair flowers, flower clips, kufi hats, kufi caps, marabou puffs, and marabou feather boas.  Our newest products are baby, infant crib shoes, princess butterfly and pixie wings, wands, baby blankets, pacifier clips, and girls leggings!
Recently I had the chance to work with them on featuring their 20 Assorted Girl Boutique Bows and 12 Assorted Gerber Daisy Flower Clips. 
 Lydia does not have any Gerber Daisy Flower Clips. I was excited to get these for her this school year. She has one to match every outfit!  These clips are hand sewn instead of glued and they are 4".
 All of them are on an alligator clip. Perfect to clip right into Lydias hair or a headband. Amazingly you can buy all of the Gerber Daisy Flower Clips for only $8.99! How awesome is that?
 We were also excited to receive these assorted boutique bows. There are 20 assorted bows and they are all attached to alligator clips. They are approximately 4 1/2" x 3. You can purchase all 20 for only $13.49!
 Lydia loves all of her bows. They are high quality product and NOT cheap at all. We decided to clip them all to ribbon and hang them beside her vanity.
Shipping depends on the weight and how many items you buy. Always Under Pay has so many adorable and affordable products on their website! This beats paying money in a fancy store. You can buy so much more for your money! We are so excited for her to have so many bows to wear to school this year! Check out Always Under Pay on their website via one of the links above! You can also visit them on their social media below! 
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*Disclaimer: The Small Things received product to facilitate this review. All opinions are my own*
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