Hi everyone! The end of the school year is here! My daughter, Lydia received three awards today at school and I am so proud! I had to share with all of you! Out of the entire 2nd grade, ( I would estimate 200 or more kids) there were two kids chosen for a music award. My baby was one of them. It means they went above and beyond in this area and I am so happy! She also received an award for Straight A's! Or in 2nd grade as you call it, all 3's. She also received one for perfect attendance. They had a cute "ceremony" for the kids.
 Her face when she was called for this award!
 She just had to show it off!
 I am so happy and amazed!
We love her so much! I cannot believe that she will be 9 this year. I was a crazy 16 year old when I found out I was pregnant with her. This little girl changed my life and made me grow up early, however it was for the best. She has taught me so much in her little life. I know that I seem like I am being sappy, but we all have our moments! What accomplishment are you proud of regarding your kiddo(s)?
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  1. Congratulations to your daughter! I can see why you are so proud.

  2. Congratulations! I'm proud that my kids have skills that I have never had. My 12 year old plays guitar (I don' have any musical talent), and my 10 and 5 year olds are wonderful at art (my youngest even won an international art award when she was 4).


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