I am a mom. I blog and have a crazy wacky schedule. Sometimes after you put the kiddo in bed, you want a glass of wine or a drink. I came across something new that I wanted to share with you! Jim Beam has a new addition to the family! The Jim Beam family has been making bourbon in Kentucky for more than 200 years. Jim Beam AppleJim Beam distillers have brought together the taste of crisp, green apples and Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey.
 They have a signature drink that I wanted to share with you! It is delicious! The Signature Cocktail is called "Jim Beam Apple and Soda". Check it out below! 
It is simple too! Jim Beam Apple and club soda over ice, with a wedge of lemon.
I forgot to mention that this is bottled at 70 proof too! 
Jim Beam Apple has a fresh crisp green apple aroma with a golden honey color. It is a tart taste but refreshing too. Grab a glass and pour you some! It is good by itself chilled! New Jim Beam Apple has a suggested retail price of $15.99 for 750mL, and is now available in bars and retail locations nationwide. Price varies by market and product size, which includes 50mL, 100mL, 375mL, 750mL, 1L and 1.75L. Visit the Jim Beam website, in the beginning of this post to learn more. You can also visit them on their social media to stay up to date with the latest. 
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Have you tried the new Jim Beam Apple? Do you plan to, now that I shared this with you? Tell me below. 
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  1. This will help you forget the hassles of day, at least until the kids remind you of them in the morning.

  2. Depending on how evident the apple flavor is, this could go great in jello shots or adult smoothies.

  3. Oh wow! This looks fun and delicious. Perfect for a girls' night out!

  4. I've never tried anything like this, but it looks very inviting and I would like to try it!


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