*This is a sponsored campaign on the behalf of Charmin with Acorn Influence. All opinions are my own*
Potty training. Those words are something I always dreaded. Lydia was not easy to potty train at all. I When I babysit, I try to put these tips to use! I wanted to share with you my top 5 for potty training success! I hope that you can put these to use! 
  • Tip 1: Visit your local Sam's Club and purchase the exclusive Charmin Ultra Soft Bonus Pack Sam's Club is bringing back Charmin Ultra Soft for a limited time with a bonus extra 1,000 sheets per pack! Charmin Ultra Soft is as soft as a mother’s touch too. It is PERFECT for those little bottoms and only $22 at Sam's Club! Little booties get raw easily. This toilet paper will help with that. Even WE love it as adults. Go ahead, purchase for the whole family.

  • Tip 2-  Make your child comfortable. You can purchase a potty chair to add on your existing toilet for less than $10. Don't waste your money on potty seats that you put on the floor. Introduce the big toilet to your child and get them used to it. Having a step stool also helps so that they can climb up themselves and be more independent. 

  • Tip 3- Occupy & Reward- Having a few books in the bathroom will help keep your child occupied and make your bathroom more child friendly. When your child does #1 or #2, reward them with a piece of candy. It always worked with my kids! MAKE a big deal of it. Tell your child how happy you are! Clap, yell "Yay!". It works! 

  • Tip 4- Keep a chart to monitor success!  Believe it or not, this works. Children like to see their progress! Make a goal. You can find a ton of different free potty training charts.  Potty Training Concepts offers them in so many colors and styles too!
  • Tip 5- BE PATIENT- YES Patience is the key.  You should start trying to potty training your child at 30 months. Don't get frustrated and give up. You are going to have accidents. It takes time. Your frustrations will rub off on them. When my daughter was little, I bought her one of those baby dolls that potty in their own potty. She would get so excited that she wanted to go herself too. 
Remember, visit your local Sams Club now to purchase the Charmin Ultra Soft Bonus Pack! You can also visit them on their social media to stay up to date with the latest below!
What do you think? Do you have any potty training tips for success that you would like to share?
Acorn Influence is giving away (53) $50 Sam's Club Giftcards! All you have to do is enter below by sharing your favorite potty training tip via the #CharminAtSamsClub hashtag! Acorn is in charge of picking the winners! Giveaway ends the 18th! Enter below:

$50 Sam's Club Gift Card Giveaway for Charmin
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  1. Rewards always worked well with my boys. They loved getting stickers when they went on the potty!

  2. I don't have children so I never had to train any. I know my sisters in law had challenges.

  3. My daughter would get Kinder Surprise Eggs for the first few pottys. Overall I think it was smooth but I also waited until she was really ready.

  4. Patience is the key for sure!! I like the idea of having books and distractions in the bathroom.

  5. I let my kids dictate when they were ready and by doing that, my son was day/night trained in a week.

  6. The potty training days didn't seem horrible, but maybe I've blocked it all out! Having new underwear with fun characters was so motivating for my kids.

  7. I'm so so so glad I'm beyond the years of potty training. My kids sure didn't make it easy.

  8. I totally agree with you about the charts. Kids love them so much for whatever reason!

  9. Aah potty training. Wasn't that just fun. These are great tips for those going through this process.


  10. Great tips! I love that chart, Especially the washing hands, drives me crazy when kids just walk out the door! Haha!

  11. I'm so glad to be out of this stage! These are some great tips, I'll have to share.

  12. Your tips are spot on! We're getting ready to potty train our second & hopefully it'll be smoother than training our first!

  13. We're just abut to start potty training. its a little early but Im hoping it'll work out, these tips are really great.

  14. I was NOT a fan of potty training but your tips are exactly right. Especially the one about being patient - it'll happen in its own time.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


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