The Small Thing is so thrilled to have received a bouquet for this post! For more than 80 years, Teleflora, the world’s leading flower delivery service, has delivered flowers to millions of Valentines across America. Every year, while ordering beautiful bouquets gets easier, consumers struggle to craft that personal, special and important accompanying note! Now, thanks to the talented, thoughtful team at Teleflora’s “Love Note Concierge,” writing the perfect sentiment is easier than ever with a personal coach to help you express everything you want to say to your loved one. And there’s no charge, no purchase, no strings, just words of love! 
All of Teleflora’s bouquets are hand-arranged and hand-delivered by a local florist so they arrive looking beautiful for that special someone to enjoy! As Teleflora’s Valentine’s Day gift to America, the all-new, FREE “Love Note Concierge” (1-844-IT-IS-LOVE) debuts on February 3rd – 12th just in time for Valentine’s Day. It can be a struggle to pen that very personal, special and important accompanying note with a bouquet. Check out just a few of these gorgeous bouquets that they have for Valentine's Day! 
Teleflora’s Pair of Hearts Bouquet (Available on for $69.95) For your soul mate, the symbolism of these two perfect connecting hearts wrapped around this glistening hand-glazed ceramic vase is the perfect match. Celebrate your Valentine with this gorgeous bouquet filled with red roses, red carnations and white alstroemeria that is ideal for expressing your heartfelt love and appreciation.
Teleflora’s Lovely Hearts Bouquet (Available on for $49.95) Playful and sweet for mother, daughter or friend, dazzle and delight with this cheerful 2-in-1 floral gift. Cheerful peach, pink and red spray roses bountifully flutter amongst hand-painted watercolor hearts that dance across this oversized food-safe mug that is sure to deliver long-lasting enjoyment.
Teleflora’s Best Friends Forever Bouquet (Available on for $54.95) Share memories, a hug and a smile with your bestie or budding romance with this thoughtful bouquet bursting with stunning red and white roses, miniature carnations, and cushion spray chrysanthemums that is hand-delivered in a glazed ceramic collectible vase with hand-applied heart detail.
Lastly, the bouquet that I received! Teleflora’s Wrapped with Passion Bouquet (Available on for $99.95) The ultimate in Valentine’s Day luxury, WOW your love with dramatic long-stemmed roses and fragrant pink stargazer lilies that is gorgeously arranged in a graceful hand blown Italian, art glass-inspired vase with a sparkling, hand-applied glass ribbon. Your thought and emotions are sure to win their heart!
 Pictures do not do justice for this gorgeous bouquet! That is for sure!
Check out Teleflora via one of the links here and see what other beautiful and unique bouquets they have to offer. You won't regret it. Their flowers are hand delivered to your door with no worries! Everything they have to offer is just beautiful!  Visit Telefora on their social media below to stay up to date with the latest!  
Win it: One reader is going to win a bouquet of choice up to $75! Giveaway ends 2/11/15. See footer for complete rules. Enter below. Goodluck!
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  1. They offer absolutely gorgeous arrangements! If I were to win, I believe the Enchanted Cottage arrangement would be stunning to send to my Mamaw. They seem very fitting for her.

  2. I would get the Teleflora's Best Friends Forever Bouquet

  3. I like the Wrapped With Passion Bouquet.

  4. I would get the Hugs and Kisses bouquet.

  5. I would get the Teleflora's Wrapped With Passion Bouquet.

  6. I would love the Teleflora's Sheer Delight Bouquet!!!

  7. I love the Sunny Day Pitcher of Sunflowers.

  8. I love the wrapped in passion bouquet!

  9. I like the Hold Me Close bouquet.

  10. I would like the From The Heart flower bouquet.

  11. I really like the pair of hearts bouquet!

  12. I would love to have the Teleflora's Hold Me Close Bouquet


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