My 9-year-old is like other children her age, she never seems to keep her clothes off of the floor in her room and it is always a mess. She doesn't like doing her laundry- but hey, what kid does. We recently came across a new product called The Dirty Dunk! If you haven't heard of The Dunk Collection, check out their Mission Statement!
Mission Statement: The Dunk Collection is about family fun and having its products in every bedroom, dorm room, office and bathroom in America. We connect authentic basketball inspired products to sports minded families seeking exciting and entertaining ways to combat the mundane chores of laundry, trash and bathing. We define our premium experience through our products, our presentation, our customer service and our extraordinary people.
The Dirty Dunk is a pretty neat product to get my child involved with keeping her room clean. It is a great product for dorm rooms with less space as well. This product is neat, and if you watch the video below, my daughter is going to tell you all about it. 
As my daughter mentioned in the post, setting this up is easy. There are padded hooks that go over the door. The rim slide in easily and you pull the button on the string to be sure that it is closed. This product is super sturdy and holds a great amount of her clothing. It comes with a 45“ long nylon net to hold her clothes tight! 
I honestly love how this helps keep Lydia's room clutter free. It is so neat! Overall, I think it is a clever idea and great product. You can purchase this product for $34.99 on their website. This will make the perfect gift for girls, boys and people of all ages! What are you waiting for? Go purchase one today! Visit The Dunk Collection on their social channels to stay up to date with the latest!
Win it: The Dunk Collection is giving one of my readers their own Dirty Dunk! Giveaway is open to the Continental USA. Giveaway will end 4/27. See footer for complete rules. The sponsor will be shipping the winner their prize direct. Goodluck. Enter below!
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  1. I try to offer incentives and a chore chart with stickers!

  2. Rewards for doing them helps about 95% of the time.

  3. I wish I did have tips, lol. My niece & nephews respond to bribes, ha! But I'm guessing parents consider that bad parenting?? Hey, it works for aunts!

  4. We try to help them and guide them as they go so it doesn't seem so overwhelming for them!

  5. I would love to enter but I do not have twitter :(

  6. We do a chore chart and allowance.

  7. I used a reward system. Not always money, but sometimes dinner out or play dates.

  8. I use a reward system of praise and reward.

  9. I always give my kids rewards and I always say good job and they love that but they are under 4 so that's probally why it works


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