What are your 2017 Goals?

by Bre, 10:44 PM
I can't believe that it is now 2017! I have SO MANY blog goals this year, and bringing you amazing content is one of them! I recently received a new gadget from my inlaws for Christmas, A Silhouette Cameo 2! I can't wait to show you my creations and DIY projects. I have several goals for my life and career that I am planning to follow through with. 
1- Drop Soda COMPLETELY or just one can a week so that I can lose weight.
2- Stay consistent with my posting on my blog.
3- Bring more DIY content to my blog.
4- Lost 50 lbs this year AT LEAST.
What are YOUR goals for the 2017 year? I would love to hear them! Please tell me in the comments below.

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  1. Good goals. Mom always try's hard to stick to hers. She reduced drinking soda quite a bit. Cute picture
    Happy New Year
    Lily & Edward


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