Trademark registration has become quite prominent these days. As the number of businesses in the world is emerging to a huge extent, more and more companies have started to register their trademarks in order to protect their intellectual property as much as they can.
Trademark can be a symbol, logo, brand name or anything used for the identification of goods and services provided by a company. Trademark registration in UAE offers great protection to the companies and saves them from a number of problems. No matter what shape, image, letter or figure you choose for your trademark, you must make sure that you choose the most unique mark ever. This is the only way you can get it registered or else the authorities will reject it right away, so you need to take the help of expert trademarks consultants and you can click here to get more info and to get help.
Authority responsible for issuing the trademark
Authority associated with the trademark registration in United Arab Emirates is the Ministry of Economy. If you register your trademark in UAE, it will be considered valid in all the seven states of UAE. This means you do not need to separately register your trademark in every emirate.
The validity of trademark registration in UAE is 10 years. If you want, you can get extensions as well but for that, you need to pay additional fees. When a trademark is registered, it comes under the protection in UAE for about 10 years right from the date of official registration.
If you really want to renew your trademark registration, make sure to do it on time before anyone else steals your mark. Farahat & Co can help you check your trade mark and to register it inside UAE and all GCC countries.
Benefits of Trademark Registration
- For those looking forward to protecting their business in every possible way, trademark protection is a good option for them. This saves them and their name from getting copied. In this way, the company under protection gets to set its standards and work upon them.
- By registering a trademark, the identity of the company is protected and nobody gets the chance to ruin its name.
- Through trademark registration, the company gets protected legally. It means if anyone copies the trademark, the company can sue it as well.
Requirements for Trademark Registration
- Application form which must possess all the required details
- Sample of trademark design you want to register
- Payment of fees and its confirmation
- The trading license of the company
- Power of attorney of the company
- Protected goods and services of the company
- ID or passport of the person who signs the application
- Required Contact details of the person
For those who find any difficulty while registering their trademark may get the help of trademark service providers as soon as possible. This is a very good way of getting things done timely. If you do not understand the rules and regulations properly, you might delay the process and face rejection due to incomplete or inaccurate procedures. So, seeking trademark services in UAE from the professionals will solve the problem to a great extent. They will support as well as guide you throughout the registration process while making things as much easier for you as they can
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